Goals are what keep us motivated - they help us strive for great things.
If you don't have a goal, then what are you aiming for?
Setting goals is the first step. By setting goals you're setting up the finish line, now it's your job to get there. Goals are especially important for kids as it helps them strive for something and feel that sense of achievement. Without a goal, it’s too easy to feel stuck in one place with nothing to work towards.
What do you want to achieve? Ask this to your child. If they have something they dream of, then they'll be more excited and motivated to work towards it. If they don't have a dream or ambition, then ask them if there’s something small they’d like to achieve. Goals don't have to be big to motivate someone. For some kids something as small as improving grades can be an effective goal.
Once a goal has been set a plan should be made. What must you do to achieve your goal? There will be lots of small steps that need to be taken before reaching the final goal, so be patient. It's vital that you reassure your kids along the way to prevent them feeling discouraged, especially if they feel like they're getting nowhere. Remind them of what they're working towards and help guide them in the right direction.
Achieving goals is a great way for kids to boost their confidence and self-esteem. This is especially beneficial since they may be going through times of uncertainty and self-doubt. Achieving even the smallest goals is going to make them feel more accomplished and organised.
One thing we instil in our students is the black belt success cycle.
Know what you want.
Know your goal, big or small. You can't aim for what you can't see.
Have a plan.
A plan will help you map out each step along the way so that your journey is as smooth as possible.
And a success coach.
Have someone in your life who is going to give you good advice and guide you in the right direction. This can be a parent, a friend or anyone else who wants the best for your kid.
Take consistent action.
Do everything you can to make your dream come true. You need to work every day to get closer and closer to your end desire.
Review your progress.
Make sure you’re still on track, and if not do what needs to be done to get you back there.
Renew your goals.
Once you’ve finally reached your goal, set yourself another!
By using our blackbelt success cycle, your kids will be more motivated and driven to achieve their goals. This cycle gives them clarity and a plan, which then gives them more confidence in themselves to go forward and smash them goals.
It's a new year so there's no better time to set them resolutions. Ask your kids what they want to do differently this year. Asking questions like this is more helpful for prompting an answer, whereas simply asking "what goals do you want to achieve?" can seem daunting to a child.
Good questions to ask are:
"What do you want to do differently this year?"
"What do you want to do differently at school?"
"Do you want to join a new club activity?"
"Do you want to learn a new skill?"
We should all have something to aim towards this 2022, big or small. Goals are what keep us exited for the future and what may come.

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.